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The Oriented-Montessori Preschool Program

The Montessori-Oriented Preschool classroom is a “living environment” presenting life skills as a base for learning where discipline is easy to reach as a result of responding to children’s needs and where each child is respected and seen as an individual.  The teacher who is a good model for the children in means of respect and positive interaction, plays a great role in guiding the children’s independence and self-learning and their good sense of responsibility in a well prepared environment, rich in learning opportunities for each of the children.

“In the preschool, academic competency is a means to an end, and the manipulatives are viewed as "materials for development."

“Practical Life Exercises” enhance the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the environment, exercises of grace and courtesy, and coordination of physical movement.  
The Sensorial Activities and material enable the child to order, classify, and describe sensory impressions in relation to length, width, temperature, mass, color, pitch, etc.  
Mathematics makes use of manipulative materials to enable the child to internalize concepts of number, symbol, sequence, operations, and memorization of basic facts.”   
Basic skills in writing and reading are developed through various presentations allowing children to link sounds and letter symbols without effort.
Cultural activities expose the child to basics in geography, history, life sciences, art, music and movement.  
